Attraction Marketing System what’s that? If like me you have been in Network Marketing for years or just joined you probably may not have heard of it.
When I discovered the attraction marketing system it completely revolutionised the way I looked at business Why was this?
As previously mentioned, I have been in Network Marketing for years and have been reasonably successful. The industry has allowed me to achieve most of my life goals. However I was noticing a massive shift towards the internet in nearly all aspects of business. The old ways of marketing were becoming less and less effective.
Warm market will always be recommended. Talking to friends and family is the first thing that a new distributor is advised to do by their upline. Why? Because their friends and family know and trust them (normally) . That is what I did and probably you did the same with varying success.
After approaching friends and family (warm market) we then had to advertise (cold market). Did you find this frustrating and expensive? I did, but I persevered for years with advertising (newspapers and online), leaflets, drop cards, 3 foot rule etc etc.
At times it felt like I was working in a call centre and not on my own business because I was making so many phone calls to prospects every day and accepting the huge amount of rejection that goes with the system of massive action in the cold market. Is this the way you feel as well?
In Network Marketing, the duplication of a system is imperative for success. The system that I had been taught and utilised was very time consuming and buying leads from lead brokers was expensive and to be honest, very ineffective. I was not happy with the system that I was using and teaching. Do you feel the same? And like me are looking for another way, something different than plastering adverts for our opportunities everywhere and anywhere!
Attraction Marketing – The Huge Difference
Traditional marketing and promotional methods lead with the product, service or business opportunity, in the hope that someone might buy. An attraction marketing system leads with value-based material. Actual information that people are searching for and then guiding them to the place where they can learn more.
This is such a different approach to the traditional method. Instead of teaching the system of approaching anyone who can ‘mist up a mirror’ as a prospect for your business. In attraction marketing you position yourself as a leader. Someone who can provide value and have an answer to someone’s problems or questions. Basically, they are using your experience as a non paid consultant.
This is such a great way of positioning yourself because YOU are selling YOURSELF and the benefits of working with YOU!
You are attracting people to you!
How To Put An Attraction Marketing System in Place
Start leading with value, develop a position of wanting to help people to get what they want. This is done by providing helpful material, answering their questions and providing support and importantly STOPPING selling.
If you make it evident that you care about solving their problems. Even if you do not do any business together, you establish a relationship of trust.
By developing ‘trust’ this is done by not leading with your product or opportunity. By asking the question ‘What can you do for them?’ Without expecting anything in return. You have positioned yourself a long way from being a ‘salesperson’. Then continue to provide value to your new contacts, who may over a period of time join your business. As it may be the answer to some of their problems. Why? Because they trust, understand and value you as the leader they are possibly looking for in business.
The attraction marketing system can be used for either an online or offline business. The principles of gaining trust are the same for both methods. However, the power of the internet really enhances the process. The attraction marketing system can be automated on the internet by the use of autoresponders, websites, capture pages and downloads etc. These provide real advantages over an offline business. An online business can communicate to anywhere in the world, the market place is huge!
Putting The Tools Together
All systems need tools for them to work. If you are like me, you will be thinking ‘this sounds good’ but-;
- ‘How do I position myself as a leader?
- ‘Where do I get all the information that will provide value?’
- ‘How will I produce this information and in what genre?’
- ‘How can I compete in the massive world of Internet marketing?’
- ‘How much will it cost?’
- ‘Help!’
You may, unlike me, have a huge knowledge of the internet and be able to provide your own valuable content such as webinars and trainings. You may also be excellent at online marketing, where you do not require to invest in training for an attraction marketing system.
However if you are like me, you need to invest in your training with an attraction marketing system. There are a few around, I chose the one that suited me and have taken tremendous value from them. You must choose the one you prefer and then use the content they provide.
Being part of a paid attraction marketing system can have huge benefits particularly at the outset. This is because you can gain immediate access to complete training webinars and coaching courses produced by top earners. You can sometimes offer this quality content free or heavily discounted to prospects and this can help position yourself as someone of value.
The Benefits of Attraction Marketing
Once you have your attraction marketing system in place. You have positioned yourself as a leader in your niche and branded yourself as unique.
If you choose this method of marketing, your business can benefit by having-: